This is my personal take and insight on the
song; Katy is having her rebirth after the trauma of a great famous tainted
love affair where Katy gave so much of herself and her love only to find it
gone up in smoke, thrown back smack in her face so quickly after Katy had given
it all to a man incapable of handling it that she falls from grace from a
height that only great Gods and Goddesses could understand or someone who had
not only reached the very pinnacle of their chosen career but into hitherto
unchartered territory of ploughing new ground of creativity and art. It hurt
her so badly that for a dark period in her life she could see no light at the
end of the tunnel. Katy asks of herself how she could of fallen so deeply for
someone so insincere who showed that their love was an act without depth or
clarity personified in her husband’s request for a divorce famously sent by
text from the airport as he escaped to England. His failure to explain this
shift in behaviour left Katy asking unanswerable questions of herself and of
love and marriage as meaningful institutions and for a long time Katy has been
unable to give of herself again for fear of the same thing happening again to
her. The whole affair was made worse by coinciding with Katy going through a
great seismic shift; her rebirth and why it is felt so strongly by Katy is that
her rebirth was transmutation into the Great Goddess ISIS the most powerful
Goddess above all Gods and Goddesses, Polytheistic Pantheon Goddess of Ancient
Egypt Goddess of Nature, Naturals, Magic and was personified by the Pharaoh
Queens of Egypt including Cleopatra VII, she was the great mother Goddess
sister to Osiris, Mother of Horas the patron Goddess of protection of the dead
and the Egyptian Pharaohs are depicted as her child who sat on the throne she
provided and worshipped throughout the Roman-Greco Empires.
song; Katy is having her rebirth after the trauma of a great famous tainted
love affair where Katy gave so much of herself and her love only to find it
gone up in smoke, thrown back smack in her face so quickly after Katy had given
it all to a man incapable of handling it that she falls from grace from a
height that only great Gods and Goddesses could understand or someone who had
not only reached the very pinnacle of their chosen career but into hitherto
unchartered territory of ploughing new ground of creativity and art. It hurt
her so badly that for a dark period in her life she could see no light at the
end of the tunnel. Katy asks of herself how she could of fallen so deeply for
someone so insincere who showed that their love was an act without depth or
clarity personified in her husband’s request for a divorce famously sent by
text from the airport as he escaped to England. His failure to explain this
shift in behaviour left Katy asking unanswerable questions of herself and of
love and marriage as meaningful institutions and for a long time Katy has been
unable to give of herself again for fear of the same thing happening again to
her. The whole affair was made worse by coinciding with Katy going through a
great seismic shift; her rebirth and why it is felt so strongly by Katy is that
her rebirth was transmutation into the Great Goddess ISIS the most powerful
Goddess above all Gods and Goddesses, Polytheistic Pantheon Goddess of Ancient
Egypt Goddess of Nature, Naturals, Magic and was personified by the Pharaoh
Queens of Egypt including Cleopatra VII, she was the great mother Goddess
sister to Osiris, Mother of Horas the patron Goddess of protection of the dead
and the Egyptian Pharaohs are depicted as her child who sat on the throne she
provided and worshipped throughout the Roman-Greco Empires.
At this juncture it must be remembered that
Katy has missed a normal functioning childhood due to the internal conflict of
having to align with the deeply religious family and its deep religious
connection that had shown Katy rules to live by but love in the way that Katy
needed it was believed by Katy to be missing.
Certain aspects of the religious life she had to follow were at odds with
the great creator that was always inside her and not forgetting “Girls just
want to have fun” had grown up in a world that taught strict religious orders
that have been rumoured to include satanic ritual sex abuse and Katy
controlling the mighty spirit that is ISIS when finally wide awake to this fact
exploited with the power and great creative mind that was ISIS. Katy had not been able to exercise the normal
functions of childhood and coupled with sex abuse and the family of the
collapse of her marriage blew a circuit in her mind that would lead her to seek
Psychiatric help and strong medication because believe me this was one strong
entity. In the song linked to the video
shows Katy’s inner child coming to her rescue to let Katy believe again in the
magic that was so cruelly denied her by such a religious upbringing. Such a wrench was the timing of the divorce
that Katy in her “Grace of God” song admitted coming close to suicide but once
Katy’s inner child found its way clear she could see the magical world so often
denied these humans who are not super goddesses coupled with Bipolar Affective
Disorder where Katy would swing from great highs that lesser mortals who don’t
have $100,000,000 to play with could not understand so high she would go but
then the fall from grace was so long and Katy would land on the concrete
depressed, dazed and confused. At the
time of writing the song she had all but come to terms with her life and gained
an inner strength to pick herself up and continue for the sake of the fans even
though she felt that she could not go on.
In fact she learned the facts of life and drew strength from the
experience. Other inner factors were confounding her such as the unbelievable
intrusion into the Hollywood stars private lives made by the paparazzi and Katy
was living life naked in a goldfish bowl.
The enormous pressure placed on her to keep producing #1 hits as her
record label #1 star and the video was symbolic of her life – the rise to
stardom , personal struggles, love and marriage and the justice was served as a
cold dish for taking into account songs such as ET it was clear that Katy who
wanted to become the Amy Grant of music misguidedly “sold her soul to the devil”
and became a puppet whore who had to feed demons with heroin, alcohol and a
lifestyle that only Rock Starts get to experience. Unfortunately Katy was in over her head and
if she knew what she was getting into would have steered a different direction. Monarch mind control MK Ultra forced Katy
into corporate prostitution, pornography and disassociated the true Katy from
the one that was controlled by the record industry executives, governments and
secret services and was good at it she became the number 1 Diva in the world
but trying to find her light at the end of the tunnel takes her through the cerebral
crepuscular labyrinth where a stretch in a mental asylum so daunting and
horrific an experience that it is surprising Katy managed to get past the
Asylum guards portrayed as the minotaur’s but it was with guidance of her inner
child that showed her the way.
Katy has missed a normal functioning childhood due to the internal conflict of
having to align with the deeply religious family and its deep religious
connection that had shown Katy rules to live by but love in the way that Katy
needed it was believed by Katy to be missing.
Certain aspects of the religious life she had to follow were at odds with
the great creator that was always inside her and not forgetting “Girls just
want to have fun” had grown up in a world that taught strict religious orders
that have been rumoured to include satanic ritual sex abuse and Katy
controlling the mighty spirit that is ISIS when finally wide awake to this fact
exploited with the power and great creative mind that was ISIS. Katy had not been able to exercise the normal
functions of childhood and coupled with sex abuse and the family of the
collapse of her marriage blew a circuit in her mind that would lead her to seek
Psychiatric help and strong medication because believe me this was one strong
entity. In the song linked to the video
shows Katy’s inner child coming to her rescue to let Katy believe again in the
magic that was so cruelly denied her by such a religious upbringing. Such a wrench was the timing of the divorce
that Katy in her “Grace of God” song admitted coming close to suicide but once
Katy’s inner child found its way clear she could see the magical world so often
denied these humans who are not super goddesses coupled with Bipolar Affective
Disorder where Katy would swing from great highs that lesser mortals who don’t
have $100,000,000 to play with could not understand so high she would go but
then the fall from grace was so long and Katy would land on the concrete
depressed, dazed and confused. At the
time of writing the song she had all but come to terms with her life and gained
an inner strength to pick herself up and continue for the sake of the fans even
though she felt that she could not go on.
In fact she learned the facts of life and drew strength from the
experience. Other inner factors were confounding her such as the unbelievable
intrusion into the Hollywood stars private lives made by the paparazzi and Katy
was living life naked in a goldfish bowl.
The enormous pressure placed on her to keep producing #1 hits as her
record label #1 star and the video was symbolic of her life – the rise to
stardom , personal struggles, love and marriage and the justice was served as a
cold dish for taking into account songs such as ET it was clear that Katy who
wanted to become the Amy Grant of music misguidedly “sold her soul to the devil”
and became a puppet whore who had to feed demons with heroin, alcohol and a
lifestyle that only Rock Starts get to experience. Unfortunately Katy was in over her head and
if she knew what she was getting into would have steered a different direction. Monarch mind control MK Ultra forced Katy
into corporate prostitution, pornography and disassociated the true Katy from
the one that was controlled by the record industry executives, governments and
secret services and was good at it she became the number 1 Diva in the world
but trying to find her light at the end of the tunnel takes her through the cerebral
crepuscular labyrinth where a stretch in a mental asylum so daunting and
horrific an experience that it is surprising Katy managed to get past the
Asylum guards portrayed as the minotaur’s but it was with guidance of her inner
child that showed her the way.
MK Ultra tricks the mind into splitting
apart under the heavy influence of drugs and torture into smaller pieces thus
making it easier to take over by the handler as it is then in different personalities
to access her mind and control it until the victim can take no more and the mind
creates its own fairy tale and Katy becomes detached from reality and has to
face it alone due to her husband’s betrayal.
MK Ultra has been practiced by the CIA for more than 5 decades.
apart under the heavy influence of drugs and torture into smaller pieces thus
making it easier to take over by the handler as it is then in different personalities
to access her mind and control it until the victim can take no more and the mind
creates its own fairy tale and Katy becomes detached from reality and has to
face it alone due to her husband’s betrayal.
MK Ultra has been practiced by the CIA for more than 5 decades.
(Verse 2) after the rebirth ISIS picked up
the scattered pieces of her mind and continued the great success in the music
and film industry and vowed not to make the same mistake again having fought a
very hard battle to maintain her sanity where she could have been lost forever she
expels her husband or maybe the Devil itself and the intro first reiterates
WIDE AWAKE over and over. A moving and
touching song as ever there was. Let it
be a lesson to those young girls entering the music business that success and
fame and fortune is not everything you see and it ain’t what it seems. The moral of this song is that had Katy known
what she knows now another path would surely have been sought.
the scattered pieces of her mind and continued the great success in the music
and film industry and vowed not to make the same mistake again having fought a
very hard battle to maintain her sanity where she could have been lost forever she
expels her husband or maybe the Devil itself and the intro first reiterates
WIDE AWAKE over and over. A moving and
touching song as ever there was. Let it
be a lesson to those young girls entering the music business that success and
fame and fortune is not everything you see and it ain’t what it seems. The moral of this song is that had Katy known
what she knows now another path would surely have been sought.
Let us wish, with our enlightened
understanding that the new Katy can be born again reinvent herself and take her
place in society and live in the moment and banish her history thrown up to the
universe and till happily ever after amen because ISIS was Mary Magdalene and
Jesus Christ who exorcised the 7 demons from Katy representing the 7 vices sticks
with her for the second coming which is NOW and Jesus asks Mary to carry her ‘star’
to become his ‘light’ who sets him free because baby you’re a Firework.
understanding that the new Katy can be born again reinvent herself and take her
place in society and live in the moment and banish her history thrown up to the
universe and till happily ever after amen because ISIS was Mary Magdalene and
Jesus Christ who exorcised the 7 demons from Katy representing the 7 vices sticks
with her for the second coming which is NOW and Jesus asks Mary to carry her ‘star’
to become his ‘light’ who sets him free because baby you’re a Firework.