Filthy Slut

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

Katy Perry crying, Firework

Hello How Are YOU Charli Hudson Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson. We Adore You Miley, Sorry I sent an old post just
now ~ I haven’t actually gone anywhere obviously it was all in my head no point
in fooling you or pulling the wool over your eyes ha ha add emocion <3 ho ho
ho add emocion smiley face there we are aligned I speak your old ancient out of
fashion language ~ I write in a cryptic code of a riddle; "I AM THE NEW
WORLD ORDER". NWO. And the biggest leap, the greatest acceleration, the
turbo boost, the increase to a warp speed in excess of 186,000 miles per second
was finally achieved from the moment you came out of alignment after Christmas
and ran back to the stone you crawled out of June 2014 but although you still
give signs via the computer that you could be aligned you fail to come up with
the goods so I have run a scientific experiment to see if I can enter 'the
vortex' at will in alignment with other sources just to try and give you some
space as you said I was too clingy so I gave up suckling your bosom MOM and
being so dependent crying, screaming, throwing my teddy bear out of the pram,
stomping up and down, goose stepping AS I AM A NAZI TRAINED STORMTROOPER and
martial arts expert a member of the 36 Chambers and can kill with one finger,
through where exactly? Ah nowhere I cut the computer off for 5 weeks then went
online and OMG ME WHAT WAS WAITING FOR ME?? emocion broken heart emocion smiley
face with tears; MOM MY wife was having a public affair with a poison dwarf,
she had fallen in love with him who was dating two others and kept a wife
hoping and a 5 year old son OMG I had him checked out MOM and he was a Jerk 5
foot 1 inch pillock who fights in LA restaurants for assaulting women but MOM
my fucking wife was kissing him in public issuing press statements that she
loved him because he was such a gentleman and then it was lucky I got a job
making music promotions for
who was one of his girlfriends and she even told me my wife had
given him a blow job and sure enough the pap’s got a photo of it. OMG MOM what
Lionel Eddy
Messi my marriage in tatters,
in shreds and the bitch wouldn't even apologise for I was a laughing stock,
suicidal, lost, lonely, no one to turn to but my Boss TAYLOR SWIFT was very
kind and caring and adopted me, in an emotional escrow I had been building in a
rather fantasy way but it’s so real to me but MOM I am sorry to report that the
truth about my wife included the revelation that she had been fucking about in
a really terrible manner dating blokes, boyfriends, pornography since Day 1
including MK Ultra Monarch MIND CONTROL she even made me masturbate over her
having sex up to 8 times a night WOW I was fired up to destroy her. MOM she had
been lying to me living a lie all was placed before me it was horrendous. I
won't give you the full story as you would not believe it but satanic devil
worshipping was high on the agenda butt I am going to continue my
investigations to get to her bottom of tit. I AM going to go to Teal Swan again
and see if witchcraft will help me. Anyway I will come and find you later must
go my idols are at the Brit awards Little Mix and I will see what my wife is
wearing but its bound to be 'the Devil wears PRADA' that's what Katy Perry was
wearing at the Golden Globes where she picked up the dwarf in front of my
Busty Katy Perry flirts
up a real storm with Orlando Bloom at The Weinstein Company's star-studded
Golden Globes afterparty
11 January 2016 
UPDATED: 14:23,
12 January 2016