Filthy Slut

Thursday, 11 February 2016

Katy Perry feat. Iggy Azalea- California Gurls (Official Video)

Katy perry-fas softcore porn vids:

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Above 2 embed code and top url 4 vid
Below vid page on you tube
below vid embed code
California gurls wiv iggy
You tube vid code: https://youtu.be/VCmXmDKr3ng
OMG how SAD a new eh??? release of 5 year old Katy Perry
wank flick excerpts up to 2:25 but bought to life by Iggy Azalea from 2:25-3:45
and 2 minutes of the ‘Devil wears PRADA’ Katy doing a @covergirl make up advert
and NOW IAM a Music reporter from 405.com and Taylor Swift Community and Katy
Perry's fashn correspondent and self styled whistle blower Wolf Wolf and the
4-5 year old clothes Katy wears up to 2.25 are still current if you like your
wife going out half naked with 4 foot silver tassels attached to ya missus's
tits, nipples in fact and Katy shows teenage dexterity in swinging them round
whilst holding a face that l OO ski like she does when taking a dump.(a fave on
Twitter every night) Of course the old fave the Katy Perry Spanish advert
starring @KillerQueenKAT1 a rather 18th century view of how we might see a
Queen??? WTF a Queen with black nylons on up to a mini skirt and tits nearly
popping out; 'I DON'T THINK SO' Queen of the Sluts more like. Katy has more of
the same old we used to expect from her tops of the tits showing off her CA
Boob job OK if you like fondling rugby balls and squeezing bags of toxic
silicone which seep leek turning the owner mad in the head which Katy must be
releasing this very tired l OO King vid with the two famous anti Christian right
anti Hillary Clinton campaign Directos cuts back to teenage dream where a Katy
Perry body double has her Jeans taken off to show white #ImagineVirgin huh some
hope Katy herself was in her late 20s with a long disgusting His Story of
graphic hardcore porn behind her and it was usually her behind that got the
pounding up till she had such severe incurable Plagues of Venereal Diseases
that she was a Hollywood porn industry no go area after singing graphic sex
songs about dogging strangers but usually well hung negroes in Parks and
leaving her back door ajar at night for any moron who t OO k her song literally
as she would dress up for sex and roleplay anything inc a schoolgirl she called
Lolita and all that underage paedophilia conjures up to the listening and
watching sheeple her song early in her career ‘ALL I AM SELLING IS SEX’ and
chestnutter ‘I kisse4d a gurl’ ‘Thinking of you’ where she sings ‘He kissed my
ass I kissed his mouth! OMG and an endless stream from 2008-2013 of songs
softcore videos and NOW we know hardcore sex vids starring Katy herself must
bring a sad load of memories of Katy selling her soul to the Devil and becoming
the chief Illuminati puppet whore participating in Satanic Devil worshipping
displays trying to corrupt our children which was the target audience of the
Satanic in public sex rituals as Katy specialised in primary coloured bubblegum
videos for release then a softcore porn until Katy had earnt herself the
reputation of the Devil child incarnate until feeding her demons with Alchohol
and Heroin abuse made her unstrippable unappealing asshe well we all thought
retired in Spring 2014 but after a more modern spectacle of Iggy helping Katy
finish her career as a has been POP Princess by adding the Spice Gurl to the
video in the middle but wait the money shot period of the video from 3:45 stars
a magic camera highly made over Katy doing @covergirl advert but I watched it 3
times and failed to see where you cum for the money shot having been bought up
on You tube Katy Perry releases where for the last minute Katy Perry in her
prime would dance for half an hour wiggiling her oversized fake boobs then at
the end for 2 minutes there would be a freeze frame of an open mouthed Katy in
a green latex skin tight mini dress with the caption; ‘RELEASE THE CUM’ over
her head as the music was slowed down well I watched tit once and was so put
off with a pop tart thinking a grown man could get off to a pop song staring a
known industry prostitute with horrendous STDs and oral herpes who gave it away
for free in public parks I l OO ked but kept my pants on nonetheless I knew
that a google search at www.KatyPerryGoogle.com
‘Katy Perry Anal Hardcore SEX’ would deliver 130 million web sites that would
show graphically every sex act in the book including torture and Anal DP to any
child who was stupid enough to think Katy Perry was a dream. Nightmare really
if you were shown the untouched by Hollywood camera magic Katy a rather dull l
OO King ugly girl next door type but a specialist in 5 hour makeover sessions.
WELL enough ridiculing of the afflicted Katy was lucky enough to marry Jesus who
remains a 5 year celibate monk who cured her VD, STDs and incurable Herpes by
miracle not that Katy herself ever thanked her husband but Katy’s new affair
with British bit part actor Orlando Bloom should go down with a bang after I
tweet a linki to this report on wordpress wattpad and blogspot because it is
one of 4 softcore porn vids that Katy has released in the past couple of weeks
attracting a chart smashing 70 views much the same stats on the majority of the
big international free to view no age questions porn sites that all have
@KatyPerry3Porn on them where Katy very cleverly hid her own particularly naste
NSFW porn pics amongst the fake sites specialising in Anal DP and facials and
self abuse with oversized dildos and even fists, cleverly I say because she
avoided detection for a long time with her own Google search engine providing
her porn but on the main google search engine you would be sent to a ‘no nudes
of Katy fake website report’. And all this from the most followed person on
earth which thanks to her willingness to strip off in public as well as the
dark net and social media made her rather popular for a while with wankers. Oh
her songs were rather bubblegum catchy too. Katy’s hundred million dollar porn
Empire was never reported to the IRS and no doubt once I have circulated my
file on her as an investigative journalist of truth and light will be putting masks
on and rubber gloves to inspect Katy’s cooked books particular to Americas
elite and to avoid further contact with Katy as her husband is busy
distributing her revenge affairs and liaisons with suspected sexual Plague
carriers no doubt putting Katy back into the highly toxic league of B listers
who sell their souls to Music Industry execs in exchange for heaps of cash and
the buzz that a million masturbating dirty sad old men must have given this one
time luke warm pop tart which saw her christened as the ‘Whore of Babylon’. Well
I will leave it there I warned Katy to stop but only last week she was
appearing in Jihadi male community chat sites showing off her full frontal photo
shopped cartoon like body. Well KATHERYN ELIZABETH HUDSON ~ KATY PERRY
<3:xD  thanks a big handshake goes out
to you for the good times as you trawled the chat room sofas telling the world
how hot you were and how you would have sex with anything that moved inc a
rather famous deep throat photoshoot with a Donkey and your fantasy of
unprotected sex with a double amputee 2 MUCH INFO Ugh Katy Perry R.I.P. we all
hope never to see your type ever again.