Filthy Slut

Thursday, 11 February 2016

God's Healing Word of Life

Thank you for posing without moving a muscle A SURE FIRE WAY TO IDENTIFY Royal Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson Katy Perry Guyane Française HAS USED THE PHOTOSHOP Adobe Animate CC BECAUSE I HAVE JUST DRAWN THE LIFE New Model Army I had a hand though my inner being Picasso so I will launch it off to Mulholland Drive Cristhell De La Cruz Escolastico so that it lands before the Grammy Award ceremony where this life model just confirmed she has chosen one Orlando Bloom OMG I can't wait to see the 5 foot 1 inch #DWARF next to this 5,8, on 7 inch heels ~ over 6 foot WIFE OF MINE cause IAM going with MadonnaOnline if I want that will be funny butt I don't think this life model; would do that 2me NO I think she will just be her usual winding up self and will appear alone cause OMG lets paint the picture for her.....I ASK HER NOT TO GO WITH ANYONE AS USUAL AND I WON'T BOTHER MADONNA howzhat? She can tell from my vibration that I would be happier not to have to be put through a double whammy because one Official Team Taylor Alison Swift Alley Swift gave me a referral and papers to sign to become an Academy member which I weill print off and as taylor already cleared it will make a FUSS International Committee of the Red Cross and Officially Boycott the ceremony because of Katyperry IS A PORNOGRAPHIC EX-STAR NO LONGER A MUSICIAN AND A PORN STAR WELL THE MOST RECENT HONEST KATY PICS IN HER SHOWER WOULD MAKE ANY BLOKE PUKE BUT SHE IS A CHILD MOLESTER AND WOOPS OFF GOES ISIS Egyptian Mother Goddess to the Pharoahs & Queen PROOF #hollywood Pedo Ring at HollywoodExploited.com/facebook.com/twitter.com and fuck me wots on tumblr? I even know her coded urls written on the back off the BOX after you share the 'dummy safe' photo with how to load it on facebook without facebook police knowing as yoiu need a reader to witness the child porn and where better than a kids site. OMG YASS KATY YOU WILL COME IN2 LINE AND NOT GIVE ME WHAT I DON'T LIKE AS I WILL JUST PROVIDE WHAT YOU ARE NOT GOING TO LIKE NO lets be co-operative joint co-creators shall we and I have got a lot worse than that up my sleeve wanna risk it?. NO WE are better off Darling being nice to each other BELIEVE ME.

John Rumary's photo.
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John Rumary Just watch tit there is no creation in Jail I know
John Rumary's photo.
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John Rumary AND IF I NEED A LOUD ACADEMY DARLING VOICE TO AMPLIFY MY KNOWLEDGE WELL Hey Hey Hey I KNOW JUST THE HOTTESTCountry Babes IN Apollo Phoebus GOD of MUSIC Lyrics Prophecy is no wanker Katy don't test it, you don't know a thing about me, you don't know a thing about me but I AM A KILLER KCL G&S King's College London Gilbert & Sullivan Society KING ALWAYS HAVE BEEN 'Whatever you can do, I can do better', if I so desire butt I have never left the Bitch Please I MIRACLE CURED THE SLAG FOR ME NOT FOR DEAF WISH BLOOM DWARFS bollicks she is ISIS the most powerful most highly revered Goddess above other GODS even butt not stronger than @taylorandcaesar don't forget and I won't 4get cause er n I ZEUS can go far all the way to the other end of the Universe butt I won't expand her anymore with FREE LOVE stronger than a million DWARFS can offer no I just leave a trace vibration AND UNTIL I GOT ME $100,000,00+ I AIN'T DIVORCING HER. I KNOW THE FINAL SOLUTION ~ #JailBird don't take me on you WILLLose Weight By Eating with Audrey Johns then maybe she will fancy me and if she has a body all over transplant with:-
John Rumary's photo.
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John Rumary I might just then FANCY HER don't 4get I TURNED TIT DOWN JUST LIKE THAT IAM A CELIBATE MONK WITH ONLY ONE FEMALE DESIRE FOR SEX AND THAT Lack Of Money Is No Obstacle, Lack Of An Idea Is An Obstacle butt I don't go and wank over taylor on her webcam in her bedroom she offers it all Katy does but I STARTED WITH KATY AND I STAYED WITH HER THRU THE GOOD TIMES AND THE GAMES OF HOPE not hate although I am told she has been unfaithful SHE HAS NOT TOLD ME SO I can go and check at the Akashic records ~ Katy's BOOK of LIFE IAM NO FUCKING PIRATE DWARF IAM GOD AND I HAVE MAGIC AT MY DISPOSAL ONLY I AM NOT ALLOWED TO USE IT ON KATY and I havent but her Book of Life is not Magic it is just that Katy learnt the weak occult Black Magic I AM IMMORTAL I WILL NEVER LOSE BECAUSE IAM THE GOOD SHE DELVES IN THE BAD. BUT IF SHE HAS BEEN UNFAITHFUL THEN SHE CAN GO DO WOT THE HELL SHE LIKES IN JAIL.
John Rumary's photo.
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John Rumary
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