Filthy Slut

Thursday, 25 August 2016




If you have followed the above link and read the passage then you can follow the links therein for further research if reading is not for you then I shall paraphrase the content as there is a need to wake up to what will unfold in order to ‘unlock your mind’ from the control shackles which have been placed around it because there is a Brave New World Order unfolding for you not the New World Order of the ageing reptile fools who thought they were above the law because they were ‘the law’ for it is those laws they themselves used to help control the masses that now entwine them to the jail cells themselves under complete control for if you tie enough cob webs together you can snare ‘the lion’ but these people were not lions or they would of used the law of the jungle to exert control no they were just a race of people who were more devious than the human and lacked one of the human traits that you need to successfully evolve the species ‘empathy’ you see they did not care what happened to the humans they harmed but didn’t care will be made to care. No the New World Order you are waking up to is a natural organic GODS NEW WORLD ORDER bought to you out of the chaos of the ‘old order’ as GOD brings order out of insanity by keeping his head or mind throughout the process of being a good shepherd but in good time you will find yourselves no longer the ‘sheeple’ of old but the ‘people of tomorrow’ free and energized and ready to co-create the future with one another for we are all one we are all ‘GOD’ but I am the #GODHEAD that is all as many people have laid foundations for our ‘escape’ united as a team; the 1st XI of the Premier League that is how you should see yourselves not as the slave no more; #freedom #from #tyranny long may freedom reign over us for there must be immediate changes in a system that enslaved the majority vote on Earth for even a dumb, deaf blind paraplegic must say to themselves ‘I AM WORTHY’ and no one can argue with me that a slave making system was any good and needs retaining NO trust your #GODHEAD when he offers your salvation package see it as a reward for freeing yourselves and my only begotten son will bring an end to a bankrupt capitalism that bought huge riches to the few and bankrupted the many. The new Philosophy on Earth is to be known as UTILITARIANISM a philosophy more human in its application where we rule Earth for the majority at the expense of any minority views against the ‘general consensus’ (see UTILITARIANISM by John Stuart Mill) a far fairer system of Government not an elected 2 party system but a Royal return to RULE BY DIVINE RIGHT for the Kings and Queens to return to their thrones as DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH to rule the people and the legislature under GODS wings and a feudal system for the noble ones subject to JESUS’S command.
A trick unknown by Reptiles is that ‘he who knows the History owns the Future’ and GOD as TROTH AMUN-RARA creator GOD of Ancient Egypt set in stone that NO governments in the World could achieve success without a GOD KING in place in Egypt therefore AMUN-RARA has planted the flag of the NEW DYNASTY in the sands of EGYPT and proclaims himself the GOD KING of EGYPT and #GODSWIVES are creating a NEW PANTHEON in EGYPT and the Pharaoh Queen HAPSHEPSUT AMUN-RARA’s Daughter will rule Lower Egypt and RAMESEES OZYMANDIAZ Upper Egypt. IN ‘THE GODS RETURN II’ AS THE HEAVENLY NEWS CHANNELS FILL THE ALIEN MULTI MEDIA UPLOAD WITH ‘EARTH IS SAVED THE GODS RETURN UNOPPOSED IN GOD HELP YOU IF YOU STAND IN THE WAY PEOPLE AND YOUR PUPPET GOVERNMENTS SHOCKER@.


Dear KatyCat Hudson,
We have reached a Zenith in out tumultuous crappy relationship with you apparently carrying on at the Katy Perry Org as though nothing has come to pass and as I daily monitor the more visible aspects of what is on show I see a Katy Perry standing on the steps of a private jet bragging over the poor that 'crime pays' as a single is released not to welcome an amateur sports occasion but the theme tune to the 'RISE' by the ANTI-CHRIST~I may be wrong but the video has been analysed under Christian scrutiny and it falls short of an Amy Grant gospel song sung by Young Katy Hudson doesn't tit? YOU KNOW THE TRUTH but that is one thing you have denied the poor GODS Children who suffered awful mind control being made to believe you were their MOM then being made to masturbate to your porno shots of which it is revealed to me that there is nothing else at Katy Perry but softcore porn going on and your acting in 'RISE' video looks like you are masturbating yourself throughout the 3 minutes 10 seconds of a piss poor performance backed up by the live show of the Democrats rally where the Katy, the hapless twat who delivered it was pathetic and RISE duly dropped down the Billboard 100 and itunes chart and this week failed to enter the UK Top 100 either so it is sunk soon without a trace.
Ladyboy Perry continues with his Pedophile mates to gather Kids Whatsapp numbers where he offers graphic hardcore Katy Perry porn from the grooming pages of KP Facebook. The dark net and Twitter is awash with your naked body being abused and the other Katy's and the photos are getting worse and worse and there are more and more of them entering the major pornsites over the last 3 months you faggot. 
Katy Perry rings an out of town radio statin and braggs that KP4 is about SEX just as before and now although in Spanish I understand the first single from KP4 is to be debuted inc sex scenes at Sunday's AMA awards. I FORBID TIT AND YOU SHOULD CANCEL YOUR APPEARANCE AND DELETE YOUR SINGLE FOR IF A KATY PERRY APPEARS AT THE AMAs WHILST THE HAPLESS LOST SOULS ON FACEBOOK STILL POST UNDERNEATH 6 year old KATY PERRY softcore photos from Photshop morelike cartoon characters calling her MOM and that they love her forever then KATY I will have you arrested and jailed by the end of the next week see if I don't because human DNA is changing over the next 2 weeks and Christs Consciousness is taking over the double helix and you and your porn will look stupid and disgraceful to the human race.
AS for how I have been treated to every post and magazine and online article that my wife Katy Perry is having babies with Orlando Bloom is so bad and if you are not involved why ALLOW ME TO BELIEVE IT? BECAUSE YOU HAVE NO EMPATHY AND ENJOY MY SUFFERING. You have left a black magic spirit in my aura and I cannot work now as it switches off my computer all the time getting under my skin like an unwanted guest. I look at the photos from KP and analysed what the 2 finger salute means and it is 'FUCK OFF JESUS' in Illuminati symbolism and you use it every photo opportunity. 
YOU YOURSELF are a complete stranger and you do not even attempt to contact me or anything therefore we are lost and there is only revenge left so distasteful my mouth is over your 2 year's performance. Last night we listened to twin flame videos and I was filled with love but you neither show any or are not capable of trying in any way to try and mend bridges between us and I thought I would just let you know how I feel~robbed of my love and robbed of my valuable time. Mother will you help build the wall?