DISORDER (DID) and is the basis for Monarch slave programming add to this
further conditioning of the victim’s mind enhanced through hypnotism,
double-bind coercion, pleasure-pain reversals, food, water, sleep and sensory
deprivation along with various drugs is making Monarch slaves of 75% of the
human population by altering certain cerebral functions. In relation to the
most obvious victims; the entertainment industry stars of Hollywood a majority
of the stars entering the fame game are coming from multi-generational Satanic
families (bloodlines) and are hooked into becoming front line soldiers in the
overall global attempt to stop the people waking up to the facts that there has
been a complete control of their ‘reality’ by Reptiles (more of which later).
Vast fortunes are being offered to the young dreamers entering Hollywood and
for this blog as we are going to use our two examples of Monarch mind control
programming KATY PERRY and JESUS CHRIST the MESSIAH we insert a great example of
the danger these victims can be 1) KATY PERRY here seen influencing the general public of
America in which way they should vote to elect their President in one of her
personalities an alter of the Hollywood star most girls would like to be. 2)
JESUS CHRIST controls the Universal mind of GODS consciousness and CHRISTS consciousness
which over half the population of the world sub consciously listen to. NOW put
these two together and marry them then they would be either an unbeatable force
for the GOOD if Jesus is the dominant personality but great evil if the
handlers of KATY PERRY so decide because not only are these two married OMG but
they merged in June 2014 as in ARISTOTLES ‘True love is two souls inhabiting
one body’. We must add here that as you will see KATY PERRY has evil handlers
but Jesus is such a dominant personality that when KATY PERRY became his
handler and commenced trauma based MK Ultra mind control programming she failed
to control all the already split personalities’ that Jesus had developed under
mind control exercised upon him by the French Foreign Legion in 1983 which just
goes to prove that Katy’s handlers are really not as good as you might think if
they can’t program someone to do their evil bidding if that person is already
mind controlled programmed but the truth was that Jesus has only acted the
victim and no one has been clever enough to capture his mind ever and how he
beat it will be explained later in order for ‘YOU’ the reader to combat your
own mind control programming whereas KATY PERRY is of such great danger of
being totally exposed by Jesus and his Army thus punished by her handlers or
more likely exterminated by her overall commanders the Illuminati that before
this blog is published Jesus will expose those Reptiles at the top of the
Pyramid in the Hollywood chain of command and the people they answer to. KATY
PERRY is in fact showing signs of such DID that Jesus has offered safe harbour to
her within his protective shield to deprogram her thus helping this blog to
offer the answer to those in need. Therefore, when we are using KATY PERRY as
our blogs example it goes right across the board that the mind controlled
SLAVES are waking up and are working covertly with Jesus to unlock the control
they have suffered from as mind controlled soldiers in a war called good and
evil ~ they are forgiven for their part as we forgave the soldiers of Hitler’s
Army only interested in the top echelons of the command chain as it should be
remembered that only JESUS offers eternal life as there is coming Judgment Day.
DISORDER (DID) and is the basis for Monarch slave programming add to this
further conditioning of the victim’s mind enhanced through hypnotism,
double-bind coercion, pleasure-pain reversals, food, water, sleep and sensory
deprivation along with various drugs is making Monarch slaves of 75% of the
human population by altering certain cerebral functions. In relation to the
most obvious victims; the entertainment industry stars of Hollywood a majority
of the stars entering the fame game are coming from multi-generational Satanic
families (bloodlines) and are hooked into becoming front line soldiers in the
overall global attempt to stop the people waking up to the facts that there has
been a complete control of their ‘reality’ by Reptiles (more of which later).
Vast fortunes are being offered to the young dreamers entering Hollywood and
for this blog as we are going to use our two examples of Monarch mind control
programming KATY PERRY and JESUS CHRIST the MESSIAH we insert a great example of
the danger these victims can be 1) KATY PERRY here seen influencing the general public of
America in which way they should vote to elect their President in one of her
personalities an alter of the Hollywood star most girls would like to be. 2)
JESUS CHRIST controls the Universal mind of GODS consciousness and CHRISTS consciousness
which over half the population of the world sub consciously listen to. NOW put
these two together and marry them then they would be either an unbeatable force
for the GOOD if Jesus is the dominant personality but great evil if the
handlers of KATY PERRY so decide because not only are these two married OMG but
they merged in June 2014 as in ARISTOTLES ‘True love is two souls inhabiting
one body’. We must add here that as you will see KATY PERRY has evil handlers
but Jesus is such a dominant personality that when KATY PERRY became his
handler and commenced trauma based MK Ultra mind control programming she failed
to control all the already split personalities’ that Jesus had developed under
mind control exercised upon him by the French Foreign Legion in 1983 which just
goes to prove that Katy’s handlers are really not as good as you might think if
they can’t program someone to do their evil bidding if that person is already
mind controlled programmed but the truth was that Jesus has only acted the
victim and no one has been clever enough to capture his mind ever and how he
beat it will be explained later in order for ‘YOU’ the reader to combat your
own mind control programming whereas KATY PERRY is of such great danger of
being totally exposed by Jesus and his Army thus punished by her handlers or
more likely exterminated by her overall commanders the Illuminati that before
this blog is published Jesus will expose those Reptiles at the top of the
Pyramid in the Hollywood chain of command and the people they answer to. KATY
PERRY is in fact showing signs of such DID that Jesus has offered safe harbour to
her within his protective shield to deprogram her thus helping this blog to
offer the answer to those in need. Therefore, when we are using KATY PERRY as
our blogs example it goes right across the board that the mind controlled
SLAVES are waking up and are working covertly with Jesus to unlock the control
they have suffered from as mind controlled soldiers in a war called good and
evil ~ they are forgiven for their part as we forgave the soldiers of Hitler’s
Army only interested in the top echelons of the command chain as it should be
remembered that only JESUS offers eternal life as there is coming Judgment Day.
222Hz Find your higher self for there you will tune into CHRISTS
Jesus was born again Yehoshua HA~Mashiach and the first thing he did was open
PANDORAS BOX with Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson ~ The Goddess ISIS ~ Mary of
Bethany the Magdalena as PANDORA and the box was empty
all that was left was HOPE all else was lost. Jesus Christs earth family motto
was ‘dum spiro spero’ = ‘where there is breath there is hope’. HOPE was
released into the Universe along with GODS (YHVH) LOVE and one day the story of
recreation will be told but for now rest assured hope turned the Universe back
on from its slumber of the 3rd dimension the Age of Pisces which had
become old and stale and the peoples of Earth fell asleep. So now we have
arrived at the Age of Aquarius in the 4th dimension where YHVH
steered Earth into a new place in the Universe on our revolutions around the
Universe where Earth had never been before with humans on it. Earth was
travelling with no pilot on it and JESUS took the wheel. JESUS will speed
things up into a 5th dimension and beyond so keep up and spread
peace on Earth JESUS THE MESSIAH will stand no objectors to WORLD PEACE for
evil ones will be dealt with and the good will prevail.
Jesus was born again Yehoshua HA~Mashiach and the first thing he did was open
PANDORAS BOX with Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson ~ The Goddess ISIS ~ Mary of
Bethany the Magdalena as PANDORA and the box was empty
all that was left was HOPE all else was lost. Jesus Christs earth family motto
was ‘dum spiro spero’ = ‘where there is breath there is hope’. HOPE was
released into the Universe along with GODS (YHVH) LOVE and one day the story of
recreation will be told but for now rest assured hope turned the Universe back
on from its slumber of the 3rd dimension the Age of Pisces which had
become old and stale and the peoples of Earth fell asleep. So now we have
arrived at the Age of Aquarius in the 4th dimension where YHVH
steered Earth into a new place in the Universe on our revolutions around the
Universe where Earth had never been before with humans on it. Earth was
travelling with no pilot on it and JESUS took the wheel. JESUS will speed
things up into a 5th dimension and beyond so keep up and spread
peace on Earth JESUS THE MESSIAH will stand no objectors to WORLD PEACE for
evil ones will be dealt with and the good will prevail.