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Saturday, 23 December 2023

Abilify (aripiprazole) Side Effects - List of Side Effects, Dangers, Wha...

I feel the same there is something odd with the energies around economics in England, prices are rising fueling inflation but we have near full employment so wages rise to meet the inflation and people struggle on in the matrix till they drop. We have had an apocalypse in our Government and we have voted the stupidest members of our society to rule over us. That is not surprising as before my Hellenistic beginnings as a god I lived in Ancient Egypt and king of the gods Amun-Ra conducted a spell with the goddess Auset that if a god chosen Pharaoh King was not in power then each successive government would be worse than its predecessor after god of wisdom Thoth declared an elected government would be the most stupid members of the election ballot and as above so below it has come true. It is 5.13AM in England 2 days before Christmas and I would like to thank the Shamanic self for producing all these videos to please the fans. There would be nothing better than watching a roasting of some new age unicorn riding starseed as she gallops the rainbow bridge adorned in rose-quartz paid for out of the law of attraction at Coachella, with the exception of the great 8/8 portal tip off that it was a masonic ritual of the Illuminati in slash n burn land clearance for prime real estate development by numero uno new (c)age devotee Oprah Winfrey in Hawaii five 0. Then Abraham Hicks, both of whom I know personally, for new age roasting over the secret. Hicks is a Satanic witch who practices occult magic and Oprah and I discovered a cure for Diabetes type 2. As new earth arrives don't forget Eckhart Tolle, Rupert Spira teachings will be obsolete. Reiki does not work, crystals emit no energy only twice their mass as everything does E=mc2. crystals don't heal, there are no such thing as chakras, the law of attraction forgets a thought has no mass, and only the gods and goddesses reincarnate the humans only get one chance. There is no 5D, no aliens only Thoth buried his space ship under the Sphinx. I digress but its the most wonderful time of the year, Christmas - forget your fat bellies, your sore livers, keeping up with the Fockers om present purchases at Amazon. It is the birth date of the Lord Jesus, who was a reincarnated Amun-Ra, where we remember he was born on the 25th December, nailed to a cross, died for your sins, rose alive 3 days later, became an Ascended Master and makes the decision on who enters heaven via judgment day and the New Jerusalem will be passed into Jesus's hands by the goddess Isis from the Father soon and here's the thing. You cannot save planet earth from Gods wrath you can only recreate it and 'G' for Genesis known only by 33rd degree Masons that you cannot create unless you destroy it first. Lord Shiva is here on earth expect spectacular destructive efforts, tsunamis, volcanoes, earthquakes, wars, pestulance, plagues and diseases. If you would like to continue dissing Christianity people seek permission first the second coming has begun yeshua@hamashiach.net or contact the two goddesses who are bringing him up jesuskatyperry@gmail.com christtaylorswift@gmail.com the greatest story ever told has no beginning, no middle, no ending just a series of moments all called #NOW