OMG The agony
of tortured tones of listening not only to katy perry but 2 things 1:) it is
not even a studio session singer like the Albums but tit seems to be someone
who can't sing still so what. 2:) I had discovered a rich vein of 2009
katyperryfashn photos and was busily loading up my blogs and tumblr accounts
2009 www.complexuk 2009 July photoshoot of SandM. I will use this as my journal
blog for tonight ~ Katy putting me thru a back catalogue of songs that were
probably about me or for me OMFG How would I know anything apart from the
impact each song had upon me ~ no big deal no one cares much. Butt I care it
was me who was the victim in Katy Perry's Satanic WitchCraft and MK Ultra
Monarch mind control and diddled out of $125,000,000 and made to look a sad old
fart not that I feel one but then I don't mix with anyone and OMG looking at
the lifestyles of the 'mixers' never mind to that but my wife: Katheryn
Elizabeth Hudson, KATY PERRY <3:xD has in the last 2 years toured 1st class
and private jet around the world, had her incurable vd cleaned by gods miracle
has had affairs some very publically and has kept her husband at a pigsty cut
off from life or money just mind controlling him into giving off jolts of pain
as each bloody photo arrived of my wife being a slut with more pornography than
you could shake your stick at and I who has she [KATY PERRY] been living
for? Well is she still living for him the SATAN we hear when 'BIRTHDAY' is
Wide awake backwards? WHO IS KATY PERRY LIVING FOR?
of tortured tones of listening not only to katy perry but 2 things 1:) it is
not even a studio session singer like the Albums but tit seems to be someone
who can't sing still so what. 2:) I had discovered a rich vein of 2009
katyperryfashn photos and was busily loading up my blogs and tumblr accounts
2009 www.complexuk 2009 July photoshoot of SandM. I will use this as my journal
blog for tonight ~ Katy putting me thru a back catalogue of songs that were
probably about me or for me OMFG How would I know anything apart from the
impact each song had upon me ~ no big deal no one cares much. Butt I care it
was me who was the victim in Katy Perry's Satanic WitchCraft and MK Ultra
Monarch mind control and diddled out of $125,000,000 and made to look a sad old
fart not that I feel one but then I don't mix with anyone and OMG looking at
the lifestyles of the 'mixers' never mind to that but my wife: Katheryn
Elizabeth Hudson, KATY PERRY <3:xD has in the last 2 years toured 1st class
and private jet around the world, had her incurable vd cleaned by gods miracle
has had affairs some very publically and has kept her husband at a pigsty cut
off from life or money just mind controlling him into giving off jolts of pain
as each bloody photo arrived of my wife being a slut with more pornography than
you could shake your stick at and I who has she [KATY PERRY] been living
for? Well is she still living for him the SATAN we hear when 'BIRTHDAY' is
Wide awake backwards? WHO IS KATY PERRY LIVING FOR?


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KATY OMG Katheryn Elizabeth
Hudson Katherin Elizabeth Hudson Uriel Hudson Perry making a heavenly entrance
to OMG what? To the Grammy's 2015 to record OR go live with a performance of
Grace of God but I was Katy's fashn correspondent who was watching Katy sitting
in the front row of the audience with a scxhocxk hairdo in purple in a mauve
see through dress as this Katy gave her performance with slicked back black
hair some 6 inches taller and quite a bit thinner now as I AM Sherlock Holmes I
must say that this Katy is my Moriarty and either there are more than one Katy
Perry, a great suspicion I have had since the Sunday night I was being talked
to on a giant satellite screen at a Glasgow awards ceremony from live link up
in Australia as a Katy Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson was live in Holland picking up
an award in person there. This looks like backstage at the Grammy's so
something is amiss. I shall pry deeper into this anomaly. Never the less this
was a con for me Katy's husband as only a week previous my Katy had turned into
the 'Whore of Babylon' at the Super bowl a gig I had got her that was to spell
her demise as my one and only with her schock simulated anal and oral sex acts
and portrayal of the subjugation of women to man as the ruling species on earth
setting back my wimmins lib programme by a year at least and this 'virgin Katy
Hudson all in white' was to try and con John Rumary into thinking that Katy
Hudson was something she wasn't because this was on the Monday night a week
after the super bowl but only 2 days after Katy had shot herself in the foot by
sending me a picture of herself crying over her first failed marriage (16
weeks) which I received an hour before I was given the recording of Katy's super
bowl performance of horror in front of a family audience where I had thought it
must of been some mad dog Peruvian Katheryn Guzman de Hudson cat and had seen
the performance from a different angle specially for me to see that it was the
girl I had so hastily married that if Katy had not sent me the photo of her
crying I might never of known that my Katy was the real Whore of Babylon. But
as I got up from my bed where I had been crying and slashing my wrists and
taking overdoses of pharmaceutical drugs trying to kill an immortal being to
watch the TV with Katy's performance of Grace of God she lasted 45 seconds
before she morphed into the Goddess DURGA one of my many wives with her shadow
showing her with 6 arms and I did not watch anymore as I WAS
BRAHMA/VISHNU/SHIVA and knew that DURGA would be in Hell having crucifixes
jammed up her backside before she could eat my children for as KATHARINE
HAMNETT the greatest Queen in the Universe was my adopted sister then Perla
Ruíz Pérez would one day reveal herself as a demon/devil whom I knew to be the
spiritual mother of Katycats and Swifties and therefore to repay Katy Perry by
[the morning after the Grammy's] by reporting for duty to the second most
powerful Queen Taylor Swift Katy's daughter to join her as partner and Knight
to exact revenge that we both had for Katy Hudson being a fowl old Trollope
full of lies and hatred for John Rumary and after a spiritual battle of one
year; 'who's laughing now'? Katy is off to Jail sentenced to death and Taylor
Swift 13 Fashn Supermodels are going to be far bigger in the world of
Fashn/Music/Film/Religion than Official Versace/ Eduardo Do Pop Boleto Beatles/
Elizabeth Taylor/ and Taylor Swift is promoted to the position of Mary
Magdalene and Karlie Kloss becomes Amun-RaRa Emperor of Fashn House Queen
Klossy of Egypt and Katy Hudson is off to Drug and Alcohol recovery and support
UK or Alcatraz Prison Island, San Francisco her choice for The "Queen of
Mean" Persephone Vice-president Bill Clinton has said it is letter writing
later and I will be putting Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson up on the crossed stake
and asking the World 'anyone got a light' ? 'I've got a short fuse Baby and IAM
ready to light up the World'.
Hudson Katherin Elizabeth Hudson Uriel Hudson Perry making a heavenly entrance
to OMG what? To the Grammy's 2015 to record OR go live with a performance of
Grace of God but I was Katy's fashn correspondent who was watching Katy sitting
in the front row of the audience with a scxhocxk hairdo in purple in a mauve
see through dress as this Katy gave her performance with slicked back black
hair some 6 inches taller and quite a bit thinner now as I AM Sherlock Holmes I
must say that this Katy is my Moriarty and either there are more than one Katy
Perry, a great suspicion I have had since the Sunday night I was being talked
to on a giant satellite screen at a Glasgow awards ceremony from live link up
in Australia as a Katy Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson was live in Holland picking up
an award in person there. This looks like backstage at the Grammy's so
something is amiss. I shall pry deeper into this anomaly. Never the less this
was a con for me Katy's husband as only a week previous my Katy had turned into
the 'Whore of Babylon' at the Super bowl a gig I had got her that was to spell
her demise as my one and only with her schock simulated anal and oral sex acts
and portrayal of the subjugation of women to man as the ruling species on earth
setting back my wimmins lib programme by a year at least and this 'virgin Katy
Hudson all in white' was to try and con John Rumary into thinking that Katy
Hudson was something she wasn't because this was on the Monday night a week
after the super bowl but only 2 days after Katy had shot herself in the foot by
sending me a picture of herself crying over her first failed marriage (16
weeks) which I received an hour before I was given the recording of Katy's super
bowl performance of horror in front of a family audience where I had thought it
must of been some mad dog Peruvian Katheryn Guzman de Hudson cat and had seen
the performance from a different angle specially for me to see that it was the
girl I had so hastily married that if Katy had not sent me the photo of her
crying I might never of known that my Katy was the real Whore of Babylon. But
as I got up from my bed where I had been crying and slashing my wrists and
taking overdoses of pharmaceutical drugs trying to kill an immortal being to
watch the TV with Katy's performance of Grace of God she lasted 45 seconds
before she morphed into the Goddess DURGA one of my many wives with her shadow
showing her with 6 arms and I did not watch anymore as I WAS
BRAHMA/VISHNU/SHIVA and knew that DURGA would be in Hell having crucifixes
jammed up her backside before she could eat my children for as KATHARINE
HAMNETT the greatest Queen in the Universe was my adopted sister then Perla
Ruíz Pérez would one day reveal herself as a demon/devil whom I knew to be the
spiritual mother of Katycats and Swifties and therefore to repay Katy Perry by
[the morning after the Grammy's] by reporting for duty to the second most
powerful Queen Taylor Swift Katy's daughter to join her as partner and Knight
to exact revenge that we both had for Katy Hudson being a fowl old Trollope
full of lies and hatred for John Rumary and after a spiritual battle of one
year; 'who's laughing now'? Katy is off to Jail sentenced to death and Taylor
Swift 13 Fashn Supermodels are going to be far bigger in the world of
Fashn/Music/Film/Religion than Official Versace/ Eduardo Do Pop Boleto Beatles/
Elizabeth Taylor/ and Taylor Swift is promoted to the position of Mary
Magdalene and Karlie Kloss becomes Amun-RaRa Emperor of Fashn House Queen
Klossy of Egypt and Katy Hudson is off to Drug and Alcohol recovery and support
UK or Alcatraz Prison Island, San Francisco her choice for The "Queen of
Mean" Persephone Vice-president Bill Clinton has said it is letter writing
later and I will be putting Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson up on the crossed stake
and asking the World 'anyone got a light' ? 'I've got a short fuse Baby and IAM
ready to light up the World'.
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